Our Lab

  • Window Server A
    • IIS
      • Providing this website
    • 3CX
      • Providing Telephony services internally. 
      • Haven’t added anything more than a couple of DIDs and ATAs
      • Lacking the ability to provide telephony outside our internal network without SBC or accession client.
    • Minecraft PE
      • Internal Minecraft Server
      • May deploy a public server in the future.
    • Plex
      • Internal entertainment server
  • Proxmox
    • PiHole (Single Core 1GB RAM)
      • Local Only
      • Blocking ADS and several trackers via “blackhole” DNS
      • Assigned FQDN via Main DNS
    • Odoo (Dual Core 4GB RAM)
      • CRM
      • Timeclock
      • Invoicing
      • Customer Portal
      • Not able to take payments directly, yet.
    • CheckMK (Single Core 2GB RAM)
      • RMM
      • Not fully deployed, yet
      • Downtime monitoring and alerting
    • NextCloud (Dual Core 10GB RAM)
      • Internal Cloud (think GSuite)
      • Currently disabled.
  • Ubuntu Server A
    • Docker
      • Wazuh
        • Security Mitigation Software
        • Scans added client devices for vulnerabilities
        • Monitors added devices for potential attack methods
        • Not fully deployed yet
  • Mikrotik Router
    • Currently used as router.
    • WAN set up with incoming traffic filtering with multiple IP addresses.
    • LAN side provides internal NAT and DHCP for the internal network.
    • Wireguard tunnels for when we are away
  • Evolution Digital
    • 6700AP2 X2
      • Wireless Access Point
  • Huawei ONT
    • Used as “Modem” from ISP
    • CGNAT and Public IP routable

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